Eternal Chilling

Inspired by the work of Antonin Artaud, the ‘Eternal Chilling ‘ is a surreal world where absurdism, exhaustion, awkwardness, humour and epic are expressed by the juxtaposition between physical transformation and vibration, performativity of voice, use of sound and visual imagery. It invites the viewer into a state of trance, opening a door to another dimension which is as much artificial and as much real as is the world of dreams.

Choreography: Evangelos Biskas 
Performers: Helena Araujo, Evangelos Biskas
Dramaturgy: Fernando Belfiore
Music: Opus Magnum- Mystical Alchemy of Sound and Awareness & Oasis- Wonderwall remix
Sound Editing: Ruben Den Brok
Light design: Arjuna Borsetti
Registration: Vincent Vriens



Credit: Jean Philpse


Credit: Jochem Jurgens


Credit: May ven den Heuvel



31 May: Get Out Graduation Festival, De NWE Vorst, Tilburg                                                25 June: United-C, Eindhoven                                                                                                  1 October: Opening Oktober Dansmaand, Theaters Tilburg                                                  12 November: Moving Forward- Young Dance Makers Award 2016, Dansmakers, Amsterdam

2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 25 March: Festival Ardanthé-La Décadanse #2, Théâtre Vanves, Paris                                  19 May: Ogentroost, Podium Bloos, Breda